Philip Holmans
World Tea House is a realization of Philip’s passions in life, being an entrepreneur, organic products and tea. Having opened its doors in July 2010, World Tea House quickly gained popularity in Halifax as its premium loose leaf organic tea retailer. Having a background in small business management, corporate accounting and a love of the tea leaf, World Tea House is a reflection of his passion and commitment to the earth and environment.
Philip’s favourite teas are Masala Chai, Assam, Black Fusion and Puerh.
We at World Tea House are not only engaged with the great big world of tea but also deeply involved in our local Community. Our base of operations is in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and we have joined the following organisations to build a better tomorrow - not only for us and Nova Scotia but to lead as an example to the world at large.

The I Love Local Group is an association of Haligonian entrepreneurs banding together to build a strong Halifax business community.

The Downtown Business Commission is a group to rebuild the business core of the beautiful harbour side downtown core of Halifax and we a proud to be part of the effort.

Despite the fact that many of our teas come from around the world and our commitment to organic farming we still believe that organic farming should be an omnipresent endeavour and to that end we are a proud member of Acorn.